en passant traduction
- adv. en passant; incidemment; par opportunité; via
- passant: adj. passant; traversant; changeant...
- en bloc: en blocpy0252;0303;02d0;014b;'bl025 ......
- en route: en route; sur le cheminp^0252;0303; ......
- en masse: en masse, en groupe (origine française ......
- en route to: en route pour...
- enable: v. permettre; autoriser; habiliter qqn ......
- emunctory: n. sécrétantadj. excréteur, excrétoire ......
- enabled: adj. permis, autorisé; capable; habili ......
- emulsoid: adj. émulsoïde, semblable à une émulsi ......
- enabler: n. celui qui permet; celui qui rend po ......
- emulsive: adj. émulsif, relatif à l'émulsion...
- Nom
- (chess) a chess pawn that is moved two squares can be captured by an opponent''s pawn commanding the square that was passed
- incidentally; in the course of doing something else; "he made this remark in passing"
Synonyme: in passing, in passing, - incidentally; in the course of doing something else; "he made this remark in passing"
Synonyme: in passing, in passing,